
June 2021


Building a cloud based, deep-learning distributed training infrastructure: Requirements and design considerations


This post was written in collaboration with Assaf Pinhasi, an Engineering and MLOps expert, who helped us build the solution.



At, we are faced with some of the most difficult problems in computer vision and, in particular, AI-based 3D reconstruction under extremely challenging conditions.

Our solution is designed as a computational pipeline comprised of multiple modules, most of which are Deep Learning models, trained to perform a specific sub-task in the overall 3D reconstruction process. Some of our models are quite large and can reach hundreds of millions of parameters.

Training large networks typically requires large datasets, and our data is multidimensional in nature. Additionally, we are all about being data-centric which in practice means we train and retrain our models on new datasets quite often.

Putting it all together, we train large networks with large datasets and we train often. We consider this approach as the right one for dealing with challenging, real-world problems in a practical way. However, as we experienced firsthand, without the right infrastructure training can easily become an R&D bottleneck from a training time perspective, in addition to the cloud costs incurred. 

We started out using disparate on-demand cloud GPU instances with 4-8 GPUs for our training jobs. Training one of our large networks would take about three weeks and would cost a few thousand dollars.

As we wanted to speed up our R&D activities, we decided to invest in proper training infrastructure that would cover the following user requirements:

  • Speed up training by at least an order of magnitude, distributing a single training job over many GPUs.
  • Reduce training costs by using cheaper compute resources in the cloud.
  • Cloud provider agnostic - We were inducted to several cloud provider startup programs, meaning we have credits we can use on several cloud platforms and we wanted to be able to utilize those.
  • Developer friendly - we always aim for our developers to operate at the “top of their license” rather than fuddle around with manual tweaks and setup of cloud resources.

High-level technical Requirements

  • Training is based on PyTorch exclusively.
  • Training jobs can run on 1–64 GPUs in a Data-Parallel regime.
  • Training jobs can specify which GPU type they should run on (T4/K80/V100).
  • There can be 0–20 training jobs running concurrently.
  • The total data size is 15+ TB. A single training job uses up to a few TBs of data.
  • The solution should leverage “interruptible instances” (spots/preemptible etc.) in order to reduce costs.
  • Supporting on-demand instances is a nice-to-have.
  • The solution should enable us to run training jobs on AWS, GCP and Azure. Any single training job will be run within a single cloud provider environment.
  • The operational burden should be minimal.
  • The solution should provide a researcher-friendly, noninvasive API.

Logical layers

We divided the system into four main layers:

  • Storage layer — for both training data and outputs (checkpoints, Tensorboard data etc.).
  • Cluster layer — for managing compute resources and job scheduling.
  • Training layer — in charge of the training mechanism itself.
  • API Layer — for submitting training jobs, checking their status etc.

In the following sections, we will dive into a more detailed analysis of the requirements from each of these layers. 


Storage layer

Training models on hundreds of GBs (or more) of data makes loading the data onto the training machines’ local disks impractical, so we decided that jobs would read training data directly from centralized storage.

Our training examples have multiple data layers attached to them and are represented in a unique file format. During data loading, we pull and combine information from several data layers, depending on the training goal. Doing so enables us to reduce IO dramatically, as only needed layers are fetched. This API requires us to work with files (vs. object blobs).

As for experiment outputs, such as model checkpoints, debug images, Tensorboard events etc. we wanted to set up centralized storage for those too, in order to make it easier to manage this data, while still providing researchers with a way to work with it similarly to how they would locally.

We had by this point already set up an NFS storage solution that handled both the training data and the training output (one NFS per cloud provider) and it worked well for us.

We noticed that having a shared file system between all training nodes and researcher stations made it very easy to share information and communicate between all our processes, in a transparent way.

We wanted to continue using our NFS based storage solution, provided it could scale to the read throughput we needed.

Cluster layer

The cluster layer needs to provision and set up the machines for the training processes. It is also responsible for scheduling training processes onto machines, starting, and monitoring them until completion.

Elastic compute

Training jobs are ephemeral workloads — they can be submitted at any time, run anywhere from minutes to hours and even days, and then terminate.

This requires the compute resources to be elastic: scale-out when new training jobs are submitted, and scale-in when jobs terminate.

Preparing instances for training

The cluster manager should perform any setup needed to prepare instances for the training job. This includes installing CUDA drivers, mounting remote file systems, and setting up logging and monitoring agents.

Process scheduling and monitoring

Once the instances are ready, the training processes should be scheduled onto them and started. The cluster manager needs to provide a way to check on the health status of the processes.

Handling instance interruptions

Since training jobs can take many hours and sometimes days, running on interruptible instances means interruptions are a rather likely scenario. On GCP, for example, instances are guaranteed to be interrupted after 24 hours, which is not an unheard-of length of time for a single training job to run.

To address this, the cluster manager needs to perform proactive steps to maintain the target compute capacity needed for running the jobs. When instances get interrupted and terminated, the cluster manager should attempt to spin up replacement instances, set them up and restart the training process on the new instances.

Other non-functional requirements

The cluster management needs to support additional concerns such as security, machine and process level observability, and more.

Training layer

The training layer depends on the cluster layer and is in charge of all the tasks which are specific to the training process.

Distributed training jobs

To support training jobs that run over tens of GPUs, we needed to distribute a single training job to run on multiple machines.

This means starting training workers on different machines, allowing them to discover each other, divide up the data between them, and synchronize their state during the training process.

“Elastic training” - handle changes in # of workers during training 

The training layer needs to be resilient to training workers getting killed as a result of instance interruptions, and also allow replacement workers to join the training, without losing state or corrupting the training correctness.

Packaging and deployment

The training layer needs to provide a solution for packaging training jobs so that they can be deployed on the cluster — allowing the cluster manager to start jobs, pass the parameters, and monitor them.

API layer

We wanted to create a simple API layer that will enable researchers and other clients to submit training jobs, check on their status, terminate them and generally manage them, without needing to learn new technologies or understand the internals of the cluster manager.

Technology alternatives

Build or buy

Buying a solution initially seemed like an interesting option, as it could help reduce the operational footprint and shorten the time and effort needed to set up the solution.

All the major cloud providers have a “managed training” offering that supports distributed training, e.g. SageMaker by AWS or AI Platform by GCP

However, these solutions are relatively expensive, and also cloud-specific, which doesn’t meet our requirements for multi-cloud support.

We didn’t find many mature third party vendors who offered distributed training as a service. Those we did find tended to be expensive or to lock you into their platform. Using a third-party vendor would also prevent us from enjoying cloud vendor usage discounts.

The conclusion was that the solution would need to be built with open source components. Since we are a PyTorch shop, our first step was to look at PyTorch-native solutions.

PyTorch’s DistributedDataParallel

As mentioned in the introduction, we typically run our training jobs in the Data parallel regime. Under this regime, the model gets replicated to multiple GPUs, each GPU trains on a different portion of data and, finally, results from all GPUs are combined to mimic training on one large batch.

DistributedDataParallel, or DDP for short, is a PyTorch module that supports training models in a Data-Parallel way, where the GPUs may reside on different machines.

Here is a brief explanation of the learning process DDP implements:



For more information about the DDP process, see the PyTorch documentation.

DDP Missing pieces

DDP addresses some of the core requirements of the Training Layer:

It has an API that enables you to plug in a worker discovery mechanism, it handles data sharding, and of course, it contains the implementation of the coordination mechanism needed for multiple GPUs to perform the actual learning process.

However, the official documentation contained no hint as to how one should run DDP in a real-life setting on a cluster. Another thing we noticed is that DDP doesn’t support the training elasticity we require.

We decided to look for real-life examples of distributed training solutions that run on clusters, and see what we could learn from them.

Distributed training open-source architectures

During our research, we didn’t come across any well-formed reference architecture which addressed all of our requirements. We did find several tools and platforms which supported some of our key requirements, each with its own pros/cons. Below is a brief overview of the main ones:



Kubeflow is a popular ML platform that runs on Kubernetes as the cluster manager. It has many capabilities, like pipeline authoring, experiment tracking, hyperparameter tuning and even serving. Kubeflow supports distributed training in PyTorch with its PyTorchOperator, which uses DDP under the hood.


  • A popular solution, gaining traction with the community
  • Provides documentation on how to set it up on multiple clouds, including some specifics about how to prepare the underlying Kubernetes cluster


  • Doesn’t address our need for training elasticity
  • Kubeflow is a complex project with many moving parts, most of which were not really necessary for our use-case


Horovod is a distributed training solution from Uber. It’s one of the earliest implementations of the ring algorithm and has been used for several years in production. It has support for multiple DL frameworks including PyTorch. It’s possible to deploy Horovod jobs on Kubernetes, and it has a solution for elastic training jobs.


  • A mature and popular solution


  • Not native to PyTorch
  • Didn’t find many examples of setting it up for elastic training
  • Does not seem to offer support for NCCL as a communication backend for Elastic training, which is recommended by PyTorch as the optimal for distributed training.


Ray is a platform and framework for writing distributed applications. It’s unique in that it offers both a cluster manager and a training coordination solution. The cluster manager covers node provisioning on multiple cloud providers including interruptible instances.

The training solution enables you to run DDP training jobs with a Ray wrapper. Setting up a Ray cluster seemed like it would be easy compared to Kubernetes. In fact, it seemed lightweight enough to allow us to roll out ephemeral clusters along with their training job, thus eliminating any single point of failure in cluster management.


  • Seems to support all the requirements
  • Lightweight and researcher-friendly
  • Enables decoupling training jobs and avoiding central points of failure


  • Ray is a very new solution, and still not widely used.
  • Cluster management, even for a limited use-case, can be hard to get right. We felt that we were not ready to pay the cost of the potential learning curve in case we encountered issues and had very little community to turn to for help.


Ray supports running its cluster manager over Kubernetes. While this reduces the risk of relying on Ray’s cluster manager, it also eliminates the solution’s simplicity which was its main attraction.



TorchElastic is a new, native PyTorch module, which extends DDP and adds support for training elasticity, i.e. enabling training jobs that are resilient to workers terminating and joining mid-training. 

It has a simple module for integrating it with Kubernetes.


  • Supports all of our requirements
  • Simple and minimal
  • Native to PyTorch, which is likely to make the integration easier


  • Not a very mature solution. At the point of our evaluation, TorchElastic was at version 0.21, which didn’t seem to have many contributors.

Despite being a relatively new project, looking at the code made it clear that TorchElastic is a very simple and elegant solution, with relatively few moving parts. This encouraged us to continue evaluating it for our solution


TorchElastic and Kubernetes emerged as our leading candidates.

TorchElastic (and the underlying DDP) seemed to cover all the requirements from the training layer. Despite being a new solution, it introduced minimal complexity, which meant less risk and a smaller solution footprint.

Kubernetes is indeed a rather complex technology — but at the same time, it is by far the most mature cluster management solution out there, and we felt sure it could support all of our requirements. 

With the help of the cloud providers’ simplified Kubernetes offerings, and with the abundance of community and available resources, we thought we could get it up and running without a huge investment.

Interested to learn more about how we implemented our distributed training solution? You can find additional details on the PyTorch medium channel.
